Work In Progress: Neutrino Probe
Bad News. Today I made my first attempt to use a turning lathe to make the main parts for the Neutrino Probe from wood. For this purpose I went to my parents house where my dad has the required equipment. Well, everything went pretty smoothly at first and while working on a test piece I got confident to be able to shape the wood in such a way to mimic my schematics almost exactly. So far, so good. Unfortunately my efforts were interrupted abruptly when the lathe suddenly broke down. It turned out that the machine used a very old capacitor, which downright exploded in our face. Don’t worry, nobody was hurt in any way. However, the capacitor is useless now and will have to be replaced, which sadly will take a few days. As a result, I’ll have to postpone more work on this project to next week.
For what it’s worth, here’s a look at the test piece I was playing with to get accustomed to working with a lathe:
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