tn_shinzons_daggerThis very nice piece was a real bargain. Before I really got into prop replicas I found this knife on eBay. Someone sold it there as a “Reman Steak knife” because eBay policies forbid to sell weapons. I suspect that it was this puzzling name that prevented people from seeing this as what it really way: Shinzon’s Dagger from “Star Trek – Nemesis“.

As Science-Fiction-Fans will know, this dagger was originally designed by the famous knife designer Gil Hibben and is called “The Jackal”. Before its use in “Nemesis” it was used several times before in SciFi and Fantasy, for example in “Buffy – The Vampire Slayer”.

Unfortunately, the knife I have is not the original from Gil Hibben. The lettering “Defender” on the blade gives that away. Also, the weapon is a little shorter overall in comparison to Hibben’s original. Finally, the blade is not really sharp. Anyway, I’m happy to have this in my collection after all. It’s a very beautiful knife and since it’s completely made from metal, it has a very nice weight.


The knife is also present on the official movie poster.


Not only a weapon but also a symbol of power.


This is presumably the stunt version with a blade of painted rubber.


Captain Picard is threatened.






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