Picard’s Starfleet Briefcase
Ah, Starfleet cases. They come in all colors and shapes and I love all of them! Especially the ones that were used by the engineering staff to carry around their great little tools and instruments. But that’s not the only use for them, of course. They’re also very useful to store PADDs for example. And that’s exactly what Captain Picard uses his briefcase for in the TNG-Episode “Starship Mine” (6×18) when he leaves the ship, which is due for a Baryon sweep that requires a complete evacuation.
Prop-makers love to use everyday items, re-dress them a little and let them appear in a futuristic environment. It’s cheap, it looks convincing and it doesn’t take much time to do it. Because of that, most of the cases that appear on Star Trek are actual cases, that have a unusual twist or a unique look to them. It’s the same with Picards briefcase, which is actually a uncommonly shaped CD case from the eighties. The good thing about this is, that any “replica” made from the same type of case is 100% accurate in size and material, which is also the case with my prop.
The case itself does not give away too much about the brand or maker of it, the only markings on the inside state: “Outer Circle Products LTD. Chicago, U.S. & Foreign patents pending, made in U.S.A.”
I got this case on eBay some time ago. Unfortunately it was painted in the wrong color and had the incorrect details on it, so I had to refurbish it and make it accurate to its prominent appearance in TNG.
Here are some screencaps from the show:
This case was actually also heavily used on “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine“, not very prominently however, but in the background on the Promenade. For these appearances, it was repainted and outfitted with different styles of tape detailing.
Here are some examples:
And here’s my prop:
One of many cases used on Star Trek: Picards Starfleet Briefcase.
The overall shape is very futuristic, unique and interesting.
The back-side is nothing but black and clean-looking.
The case opens up on the top where the handle is.
I lined the inside with some soft foam to protect whatever is carried in the case.
Instantly recognizable as Starfleet: The red pill-shaped label is essential.
These are the only markings found on the entire case.
10 Responses to “Picard’s Starfleet Briefcase”
Ramon Y on: September 23rd, 2014 at 00:33
This went by the product name “Clik!Case” and can sometimes be found on eBay under that name.
Dmetri on: June 30th, 2015 at 02:43
Could you lead me to a website where I could buy one of these? Or at least give me the name of the product? Thanks!
trekprops.de on: July 3rd, 2015 at 17:25
Dmetri, all the info I have on this one is in the text. For a name, please see the previous comment.
jeffDee on: July 31st, 2015 at 00:49
This is wonderful … please tell me about your refurbishing process! Did you have to sand it? And what are the two smaller stickers on the front at the top and the bottom?
Francois Geneve on: December 23rd, 2016 at 12:49
I had no idea the CD case my design firm (Tres Design Group in chicago) created in the mid- 1980’s would end up being used as a prop on Star Trek next generation. The Click Case was indeed created for a company named Outer Circle in Chicago. It was designed to be a slim CD carrying case ( when CD’s were a novelty back in the 80’s) and to fit under a car seat. The product shown above is missing the center rib that featured slats allowing for two rows of CD cases to be stored side by side. The plastic case came in either black of grey color ( some in red may have also been produced later on ). I still own one of the original case in grey. The fit between the two half shells was a real problem as the production mold never really worked well and the plastic latch that closes the case had a problematic flexible hinge. The Click Case was Outer Circle very first product. They stop making the case in the 1990’s to concentrate on producing recreational food and drink containers.
trekprops.de on: December 23rd, 2016 at 14:17
Thanks for chiming in, Francois. Great info!
trekprops.de on: December 23rd, 2016 at 15:58
@jeffDee: Sorry, I totally missed your comment. I did not sand the old paint down, I soaked the whole thing in brake fluid for a few hours. This dissolves the paint without damaging the underlying material. It works reasonably well, but it always is a huge mess. The smaller stickers are made from simple adhesive metal foil cut to size. I hope this helps.
Jonathan on: May 29th, 2018 at 06:46
I have one of these cases with the ribs intact and the images here allowed me to make a replica Picard briefcase, but my version has a cracked hinge area, so it’s not usable. Sure would like to get another, but they seem just unavailable in black or gray versions…
Marshall Barnett on: November 6th, 2018 at 05:00
I have one of these cases, I’ve owned it for years, bought it at a Target store before “Starship Mine” aired. I bought because I thought it looked cool and would make a great sci-fi prop. I turned mine into a custom TIE Fighter pilot flight bag. I added a small Laser Tag X-Wing pilot chest box, that I painted black, to the top of it. Mine still has all the slats inside where the CDs fit. I’m looking for another one to add to my overall prop collection. I’m not a huge fan of STAR TREK but I like it enough that if I find a “off the shelf” item like was used on the show I’ll get it. Any way, could I get a couple sets of decals you used?
trekprops.de on: November 7th, 2018 at 23:15
Hi Marshall, you mean the red pill shaped graphic from the front? You can for example use this version from the free monthly downloads on gtjlcars.de and change the color accordingly: https://gtjlcars.de/076DLM_Panel_ID_Label_T3.pdf. I hope that helps.
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