Isolinear Optical Chips (TNG)
The isolinear optical chip was first introduced to the audience in the TNG episode “The Naked Now” from the first season. Since then it is known as the standard storage medium for information on Starfleet ships, stations and starbases.
I have six replicas of this prop and every one of these has another color and features the same isolinear circuit pattern silkscreened onto it. Unfortunately, this pattern has only been applied on one side which makes these chips inaccurate. They still look very nice though.
Clear, neon green, blue, dark red, orange and yellow.
Very nice detailing.
Theres nothing more beautiful than light reflecting plexi.
Found by accident: A glass vessel in which the chips fit in exactly, …
… I only added a strip of chrome tape.
This vessel is a container that is normally used in chemistry labs. Since isolinear chips from TNG do have the same dimensions as sample plates that are used to analyze specimens under the microscope, they fit exactly inside.
6 Responses to “Isolinear Optical Chips (TNG)”
chippy on: February 1st, 2011 at 18:06
WOW ! That container fit’s sooo PERFECT (by the looks) !
Geoff on: October 24th, 2014 at 10:18
Were can I get some of these?
trekprops.de on: October 24th, 2014 at 10:54
They are sometimes offered on eBay or on prop forums like the RPF. Good luck with your search!
David Strine on: November 13th, 2017 at 18:00
These are great! I am attempting to make my own and the screen printing is not coming out nearly as crisp. I am using Speedball Acrylic Ink – Silver but I heard there are some that are better on acrylic substrates. Do you have any other tips for printing?
trekprops.de on: November 13th, 2017 at 23:26
Sorry David, but I didn’t make these myself and have never attempted anything like this as of now. Good luck with your project though!
William Musgrave on: May 15th, 2020 at 00:31
Just discovered this site! I love it. I am going to try these chips.
Anyone have any pointers on the design print for the glass slides?
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