
To absent friends… To family.

These are the words that Jean-Luc Picard spoke in the end of “Star Trek: Nemesis” after Data had sacrificed himself to rescue the Captain from the exploding Romulan vessel Scimitar. And it was that occasion, that brought all of Datas shipmates, friends and – in a sense – family together to honor him and taste Chateau Picard, the wine that Picard’s Brother Robert used to press on Earth with passion until his death.

From a technical point of view, this is a relatively simple prop. You just print out the correct graphic and slap it on a nice bottle of actual wine and there you go. And that’s what a friend of mine did and gave it to me as a gift. Thanks Michael! :)

Here are some snapshots from the movie and the bonus features:



And here’s my replica:


For a special occasion: Chateau Picard, real wine…


…pressed in Labarre, France on Earth, not replicated.


This particular bottle is from 2267.


The picture of the vine is not entirely correct.


The top of the bottle is encased in red, just like the real one.


I got this one from a friend and fellow collector. Thanks Michael!

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