An Award for trekprops.de!
It makes me happy and proud to announce that trekprops.de has been honored with the EAE Award of August 2006. Thanks a lot to Bernd Schneider, the man behind Ex Astris Scientia! (Please note that the text below was written before the redesign and the transition of this site to english was implemented.)
“As small as they usually are, Star Trek could not exist without its props. Trekprops.de is a German site dedicated to collecting and building such devices. The section “Materialien & Werkzeuge” depicts basic materials and tools the modeler needs to assemble and modify props which are usually available in the form of rather coarse resin kits. The “Showcase” is a gallery of several props from isolinear chips to Tribbles the author has built or purchased. “Tutorials & Dokus” is a highlight of the site and demonstrates step by step how to build or improve such things as a mobile emitter or a hand scanner. Finally, there is a prop FAQ explaining some common terms and a link list. Although the site is in German for the most part, the many pictures are descriptive and helpful to everyone interested in prop design. The professional site design and easy navigation is one more merit of Trekprops.de.”
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