Posted on Dec 23rd 2005 by
When you are working with paints and chemicals, your lung has to be protected from various gases which are emitted by certain substances such as casting resin or lacquers. These gases can be harmful and even toxic depending on what you work with. So, a protective resporatory mask is a must! Even if these gases are odorless (like the resin I use), it doesn’t mean they’re not harmful. [More…]
Posted on Dec 23rd 2005 by
Clay is used to embed the master model during the creation of a two part silicone rubber mold. This way you can do one half first and then the other. You have to use a non-reactive clay to avoid inhibiting the chemical reaction of the two silicone rubber components. To ensure that, your clay musn’t contain any sulfates and needs to be oil-based. When not in use, the cleay should be stored dust-free in an airtight glass vessel. [More…]
Posted on Dec 23rd 2005 by
One of the most important elements for the final appearance of a prop is the paint in the correct color. Usually automotive lacquers are used because they are relatively cheap and easy to get. That’s why they were also used to create most of the original props. However some people prefer to use an airbrush system. Remember: A surface painted with an automotive lacquer can of course be further treated with other automotive products such as car polish and wax. [More…]
Posted on Dec 23rd 2005 by
Very useful when making a mold: Vaseline. It is used as a release agent for silicone mold halves and helps to avoid enclosing the master model in a silicone block. Vaseline is applied with a brush – don’t use it sparingly! There are more specialized release agents for silicone molds, but Vaseline works just fine for me. [More…]
Posted on Dec 23rd 2005 by
For masking tasks on plain surfaces I use a special painters tape. It produces a very clean paint line when applied correctly and avoids ridges on the edges of painted areas. [More…]
Posted on Dec 23rd 2005 by
Special kinds of spray paints are used to achieve certain effects on a surface. This chrome silver spray contains a high level of real metal particles thus creating a nearly mirror like finish. It’s however important to have a very smooth surface to make this happen. So, a lot of sanding is necessary for this. [More…]